How to Cook Frozen Pizza on the Grill
Now that it's nice out, we think that it's the perfect time to try grilling your favorite Dogtown pizza! But if you've never done that, here's how!
Now that it's nice out, we think that it's the perfect time to try grilling your favorite Dogtown pizza! But if you've never done that, here's how!
If you’re a regular pizza eater (like us!), you may not realize that your choice of toppings says something interesting about your personality. Psychologists have long thought that the foods we eat reveal an underlying personality trait. Have you ever…
As you may know, freezing pizza is a science. As always, our overall goal is to effectively freeze our pizzas while locking in and preserving the all-natural freshness DTP is known for. One of the main things for a frozen…
Thanksgiving gets the short end of the holiday stick every year. Everyone gets all pumped for Halloween and then —BAM!— it’s Christmas. Thanksgiving tends to be overlooked in the general excitement of the season. But gratitude is as necessary as…
This month, Dogtown Pizza celebrates nine amazing years of business. On October 1st, 2006, Rick Schaper threw a huge frozen pizza party at his house and Dogtown Pizza was born. How crazy to think it’s been nearly a decade since this adventure first took off!
In case you didn’t hear, folks, Dogtown Pizza got into some real shenanigans last week: we took a slight departure from the norm and ventured into the world of hotdogs. You read that right. Hotdogs. Here’s our account of our most unique collaboration to date!
The “local movement” is not a new phenomenon, by means. But it’s rise to prominence is nothing short of remarkable, and we all know that it’s only growing stronger every year. Families demand high-quality products from sources they can trust—not from faceless factories in far away lands that consume precious resources to manufacture processed food stuffs.
Anyone who loves pizza is familiar with both New York and Chicago-styles of pizza. Unfortunately, St. Louis-style pizza seems to only be known and loved by, well, St. Louisans. This should change. So let’s be bold: St. Louis-style pizza is…
Making pizza is an art. But freezing pizza, on the other hand, is a science. You might think that freezing pizza is as simple as popping it into an industrial-grade freezer. In some respects, you are correct. But here at…
Ever wonder what steps were taken to create your pizza? For one thing, it led a pretty exciting life here at our headquarters before going home with you. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the process that happens when we create your…