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Secret Ingredients Every Pizza Lover Should Try


No matter how you slice it, Dogtown’s St. Louis-style pizzas are flavorful from the first bite to the very last. Made using premium-quality ingredients, such as the fresh, cracker-like crust, evenly seasoned sauce, and creamy, tangy cheese, Dogtown pizzas are like a party in your mouth every time you pop a pie out of that stylish little box.   

Nevertheless, here at Dogtown, we believe in the flavorful power of personalization. So, as delectable as our pizzas are, we always encourage our pizza-loving family to experiment by adding their own ingredients to make the pie as tasty as possible. 

Now, we’re sure you know about the various conventional pizza ingredients, but what about the unconventional ones? The wait is over! Allow us to introduce our list of secret pizza ingredients to take you from Dogtown to Flavor City–every pizza lover should try these! 

Herbs and Spices

Although our pies are abundantly seasoned, adding your favorite herbs and spices can be one of the best secret pizza ingredients to take your flavor palette to the next level. Whether you prefer traditional flavors, such as basil, oregano and Italian seasoning or bolder flavors such as ghost pepper or a dash of Cajun seasoning, adding herbs spices before, during, or after you cook your Dogtown pizza can provide you with a lot of extra tang with minimal effort. 

Leading with Leftovers

leftovers-in-fridge-add-to-frozen-pizzaAnother great secret pizza ingredient is already in your fridge! That’s right, your beloved leftovers can be repurposed as an excellent pizza ingredient. Think Hot Wing Pizza with that leftover fried chicken or popping some of that leftover rib meat onto a hamburger pizza?  

Adding leftovers to your frozen pizza not only allows you to get creative and discover new yummy combinations, but it can also help you save on food waste! At any rate, when it comes to repurposing leftovers, the sky’s the limit. Make a mile-high pie covered with everything from baked chicken breasts to roasted veggies and much more. The goal is to find the best flavors in your fridge and bring them to life on your Dogtown pizza. 

Egg it On

If you like breakfast pizza, adding an egg or two to your frozen pizza can be a total game-changer. Although it may sound counterintuitive, breakfast pizzas, including eggs, bacon, and other early-morning staples, have been a thing for quite some time. So, if you’re craving pizza in the AM hours, you’re in great company. 

To keep it simple, you can crack an egg or two on top halfway through the baking time, allow it to bake, and serve. You can also pre-cook your eggs while your pizza is in the oven and pop them on top! 

Make it Tangy

Many people are unaware that citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, or even oranges, can be yummy on a frozen pizza. You can keep it simple by buying a little lemon or lime juice and sprinkling it on the frozen pizza. On the other hand, you can make it more complex by squeezing fresh juice from the fruit or using a grater to add a little zest to the pizza and/or the crust. 

Fresh Greens

If you don’t have any fresh greens left over in the fridge, you can grab a fresh bag and use them as a secret ingredient to your next frozen pizza. Everything from spinach to arugula and other raw, leafy greens can be a fantastic addition to your frozen pizza. Add them liberally or add just a few, and put them on before you start baking; take them out and add them halfway through, or place them on after. Your pie is bound to be loaded with taste and full of vitamins and nutrients! 

Divine Honey Drizzle 

Okay, we admit to bringing up the honey drizzle a lot as an easy way to elevate your frozen pizza experience. We will keep bringing it up until we are sure the world knows how delicious it is. We particularly like it on our Pepperoni Pepperoncini pie. 

Sauce is Boss

If you like your pizza super saucy, you have plenty of options in terms of secret pizza toppings. For instance, you can add marinara, pesto, or Alfredo sauce before, during, and/or after cooking your pie. You can also try side sauces such as barbecue or hot sauce. These saucy options (including ranch of course) can also be used to dip your pizza and create a perfect bite!

Embrace Marinated Veggies

If you’re not necessarily a fan of vegetarian pizzas, a few well-placed marinated veggies may just change your mind. Many are unaware, but marinated vegetables can be a perfect secret pizza ingredient to take your pie to the moon. Marinated tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, etc., can add some serious flavor to your pie while also offering healthy fat and lots of nutrients. 

The Secret’s Out

If you’re ready to take your pizza flavor to new levels, this list of ingredients can help you do just that. There is never a need to force yourself to eat pizza that doesn’t taste exactly how you like it. 

By taking the time to try these ingredients and new flavor combinations, you can find the best pizza ingredients for your unique preferences. Either way, your best chance of getting the most flavorful frozen pizza begins and ends with Dogtown Pizza. Grab a few to store in the freezer and create your culinary masterpiece – then share it with us! It may turn into our next limited edition pizza!

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