Spudly Do Right
The lowly potato can be morphed into so many culinary creations and one of our…
Pizza Scramble
Cold pizza for breakfast? Sure. Pizza with eggs? OK, yeah, a breakfast pizza. Pizza scrambled…
Casey Mo’ Betta
This BBQ pizza recipe provides a big dose of "duh" and a healthy mouthful of…
The Bearded Lady
Do not attempt to deliver this salty and greasy yet heavenly decadent appetizer to anyone…
Free Dough Pie
Reading about making this concoction will make you think, "Why didn't I think of that?" The…
What are Dogtown Pizza Bits?
Pizza Bits are two things: On this website, they are recipes and suggestions about the…
Will There Ever Be Gluten-Free DTP?
We get asked rather frequently whether we will ever introduce a gluten-free pizza as a…
Things You Should Never, Ever Do with Dogtown Pizza
We've given you tips on how you can make Dogtown Pizza taste even more delicious…
How to Make St. Louis-Style Frozen Pizza in 7 Steps
Making St. Louis-style frozen pizza is a beautiful fusing of science and art. Each day we…
Frozen Pizza Cooking Tips: How Your DTP Can Taste Even More Delicious
Aside from removing the plastic and throwing out the cardboard (which we would hope is…
The Very Best of Traditional St. Louis Food
St. Louis natives know how special (and delicious) traditional St. Louis food can be. Our…
Introducing the Limited Edition Dogtown Pizza Sandwich!
You read that right: you can now get the Limited Edition Dogtown Pizza as…
In Honor of St. Louis Craft Beer Week…
St. Louis Craft Beer Week (July 30 - August 7) is a week-long celebration of…
Where in the World is DTP: Find Us in St. Louis Grocery Stores!
Dogtown Pizza has been very fortunate to have the support of the St. Louis community…
Why Dogtown Frozen Pizza is Better Than STL Pizza Delivery
We’ve all faced this scenario: you’ve had a long, grueling day at work. You sit…
5 Simple Reasons Why the St. Louis Food Scene is Killin’ It
The St. Louis food scene has come a long way. It seems as if a…
Taste & See: Surrounded By Awesomeness
Dogtown Pizza had the pleasure of being present at the Feast TV Taste & See:…
4 Awesome Father’s Day Ideas For the Big Guy in Your Life
A healthy sense of realism. Devil-may-care attitude. Wearing shorts over pants. Bad puns. All these…
What’s in a Frozen Pizza? Understanding Food Additives
Americans are as health-conscious as ever. More and more people are shying away from processed…
4 Cool Things to Do in STL This Summer
St. Louis is an exciting place to be in the summer. Festivals, concerts, plays, walking…
The 15 Things Every Blues Fan Should Do Today
We here at DTP are the biggest St. Louis Blues fans. The picture above is all…
The New Flash Freezer is Here!
Drumroll, please….the new Dogtown Pizza flash freezer is OFFICIALLY installed and running! After eight…
A Summer Guide To: Dogtown Pizza On the Grill
Summer is almost here! You’ve probably already pulled out the grill and have been cooking…
7 Quotes That Capture How We All Feel About Pizza
Pizza is the ultimate food. All pizza lovers know this to be true. You’ve got…
Viva Las Vegas: Adventures at the International Pizza Expo
Last week we headed to Las Vegas for one of our favorite events of…
Why the USDA Loves Us
They say that cleanliness is next to godliness. If there's any truth to that saying,…
What I’ve Learned as a Dogtown Pizza Maker
Being a Dogtown Pizza maker is definitely a rewarding experience. Day in and day…
5 Reasons to Have a Weekly Pizza Night
Traditions are a necessary way of taking time for the beautiful moments in life…
The Future of Pizza is Here: New Pizza Technology That Will Amaze You
We’re convinced that the future of pizza is here. Now, while we’re unfortunately nowhere near…
We Got Hitched…to STL Up Late!
Let’s just put this out there—no one loves pizza as much as Eric Christensen of…
Resolve to Eat More Pizza in 2016…Seriously!
Happy New Year, friends! You’ve probably made a resolution or two for 2016. You’re not…
What Your Favorite Dogtown Pizza Variety Says About You
If you’re a regular pizza eater (like us!), you may not realize that your choice…
5 Ways to Share the Joy of Dogtown Pizza This Holiday
Can you believe that the holidays are almost here? No doubt you’re “wrapping” things up…
New Technology, Better Pizza
As you may know, freezing pizza is a science. As always, our overall goal is…
What We’re Thankful for This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving gets the short end of the holiday stick every year. Everyone gets all pumped…