How to Use Dogtown Pizza Bits This Holiday Season

It’s the holiday season aka the season for delicious foods of all shapes, sizes, textures, and flavors. While everyone else may be baking cookies from scratch and popping the holiday ham into the oven, we know you prefer an unconventional route…which is why we’re going to show you how you can bring Dogtown Pizza Bits into any festive occasion this season.
Pizza Gingerbread Men
Bake up a Cheese DTP according to the directions. When it’s done and has stood for 2-3 minutes, use Gingerbread man cookie cutters and cut out shapes. While *technically* there’s no gingerbread present in these *cookies*, your neighbors will turn a particularly bright shade of chartreuse when they behold your ingenuity. Singing “Bake me a Dogtown as fast as you can!” while you do this is also perfectly acceptable.
Garnish Everything
Cut up leftover Pepperoni, Sausage, or Bacon Bacon Dogtown Pizza into tiny, bite-sized bits. Use them to garnish any and every dish possible: nachos, baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, salad, chili—you name it. Pizza bits go on or in it.
Bring as an Appetizer
When you need a savory something-or-other to take to your 11th holiday party, Dogtown Pizza is your go-to appetizer. Squares of Tomato Basil Garlic is a light and delicious tidbit that will please any palate. The “To Pear Us with Nuts” pizza is another creative and succulent dish to bring with you—much to your friends’ delight.
Make S’Lasagna
Introducing St. Louis-style lasagna or S’Lasagna! This inventive take on an Italian classic will be a holiday hit.
Take a Tomato Basil Garlic pizza. Cook according to directions. Cut it up to fit the bottom of a baking dish. Layer your favorite meat sauce, cheese, more TBG, sauce and cheese. Cover dish with foil. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes covered. Remove foil and cook for another 25 minutes. Boom: St. Louis-style lasagna. S’Lasagna.
And of course, Dogtown Pizza’s all-natural, preservative-free chocolate chip or white chocolate chunk cookies are a great way to make it look like you slaved away in the kitchen on a Saturday morning. But don’t worry—it’ll be our little holiday secret.
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