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Hot Wing Pizza Dog: The True Story of a Match Made in Heaven

Steve's Hot Dogs Founders

In case you didn’t hear, folks, Dogtown Pizza got into some real shenanigans last week: we took a slight departure from the norm and ventured into the world of hotdogs. You read that right. Hotdogs. Here’s our account of our most unique collaboration to date!

The Backstory

If you know anything about Dogtown Pizza, it’s that we love to collaborate with other local businesses to bring you quality products that are unique to St. Louis. It seems that we found a kindred spirit in Steve of Steve’s Hot Dogs on the Hill. Steve is a truly creative guy who’s always looking for something new and exciting to offer his customers, so he’ll often team up with other St. Louis businesses to do just that.

As fate would have it, Steve and Dogtown Pizza both have a fan in common who suggested via Twitter that we were made for collaboration. After getting to know Steve a bit, we realized that it really was a match made in heaven.

The Concept

Steve's Hot Dogs on the Hill
Steve hard at work on the Hot Wing Pizza Dog.

We both wanted something different—a pizza/hotdog combination for the ages. But it couldn’t just be any ‘ol hotdog topped with cheese and pepperoni. No, we had to go bigger. And bigger we did indeed go.

We suggested that we use the toppings of a fan favorite: the hot wing pizza. Steve suggested the beautiful finishing touch of drizzling ranch on top. And boom: the epic Hot Wing Pizza Dog was born.  

The Result

Steve's Hot Dogs Founders
DTP Founder Rick Schaper with Steve of Steve’s Hot Dogs on the Hill.

Things only got better from there. Through our joint creativity and teamwork, we produced a 1/4 lb. hickory smoked hotdog slathered with our very own spicy hot wing sauce and chicken, plus our signature St. Louis cheese blend and topped off with creamy ranch dressing. We like to think it was the perfect mix of flavors: smokey and spicy with a hint of hickory-sweet, and a cooling touch of cheese and ranch. YUM.

Steve’s Hot Dogs on the Hill only sold this exclusive dog for a week. But what a week it was! It was a huge success—possibly one of Steve’s biggest cross-collaboration sellers ever! We were so honored to work with Steve on this project and we hope you enjoyed the result!

Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the Hot Wing Pizza Dog while it lasted!