14 Signs Dogtown Pizza is the Only Frozen Pizza You Buy Anymore

It happened. You don’t know how exactly you got to this point, but, when you REALLY think about it, it’s true: Dogtown Pizza is the only frozen pizza you buy anymore. How did it happen? Like most great things, it happened gradually, without you even realizing it. If that doesn’t sound like you, think again. Here are the signs that Dogtown Pizza is the only frozen pizza you buy now.
#1. You find yourself stalking the store ads for DTP sales every week
…and you orient your shopping trips around where the best deals are.
#2. You silently judge your friends when they buy some other brand of frozen pizza.
Seriously, bro?
#3. Or you not-so-silently judge them.
#4. Because all other frozen pizzas will forever taste bland and, frankly, upsetting to you.
Slap that taste right out of my mouth.
#5. Any time you go to a party, you bring a Tomato Basil Garlic (TBG).
Even if no one says it, you know they’re grateful.
#6. You scoff at fast-food pizza commercials.
You immediately think, “Psh, they ain’t got nothin’ on the Dogtown Pizza in my freezer.”
#7. When people visit from out of town, you always have DTP on hand.
You’re just sharing the love!
#8. When you go out to eat for pizza, you always end up disappointed.
You think, “Why do I keep doing this to myself?”
#9. You get a surge of STL pride when you see the DTP logo in the freezer aisle.
Nothing compares to a St. Louis original.
#10. When you need a quick meal, you don’t even have to think about it.
Dogtown Pizza is your go-to.
#11. You get so excited when other people know about DTP…
You will at least always have someone to eat Dogtown Pizza with.
#12. …but you hate to admit that you kinda wish it was still your little secret.
They don’t call them “best-kept secrets” for nothing.
#13. Then again, you’d love it if DTP went national.
Dear America, you don’t know what you’re missing.
Everyone in St. Louis
#14. But you also wouldn’t mind it being just a “St. Louis thing”.
…which it always will be.
If Dogtown Pizza is the only frozen pizza you’ll buy anymore, you’re in great company. Be sure to give us a like and a follow on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so you’ll forever be amongst like-minded Dogtown Pizza enthusiasts! Pizza party, anyone?
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